WhatTheFish Boat Upgrades / Mint price reduction

2 min readFeb 28, 2022

Howdy Anglers!

The minting portion of our gamified dapp was only a jumping off point for what’s to come to Lake Minnow. The first of many systems that we’ll be introducing soon is Boat Upgrades NFT. Boat Upgrades NFT will be available to catch on Lake Minnow similar to fish, but with a few key differences:

Upgrade pool (subject to change)
  • Boat Upgrade pools will be visually different than the fish pools you’re used to seeing. This offers a quick representation so players can find what they’re looking for quickly and easily.
  • Boat Upgrades will be FREE to mint. To catch a boat upgrade, you will only need to pay gas.
  • Boat Upgrades NFT are entirely ON-CHAIN. This means that the tokens are generated at mint, and all metadata (and even the images!) are stored in the contract.

So you’ve got your Boat Upgrades, now what?

Every boat will come equipped with 3 fish slots (4 for WTFBoats). In order to equip an upgrade, you must link an owned upgrade with an owned fish. We will have a new UI to help facilitate this functionality. What this means, is that to have a fully-upgraded boat, one must have at least 3 upgrades and 3 fish.

Visualization of fish slots on default Jonboat

WhatTheFish mint price reduction

For this reason, we wanted to open up access to more Anglers. To do that, we’ve decided to lower the mint price for WhatTheFish to 12 FTM for a Basic Hook and 18 FTM for an Advanced Lure. With the reduction in FTM over the last several weeks, this is more than a 50% discount! This change will go live on Friday, March 4th.

For each WhatTheFish NFT minted before this date (including everyone who has already minted), you will be entered to win a WTFBoat and airdropped 1:1 with the original lure selection you made. This means that if you have minted 1 each of the Basic Hook and Advanced lure, your airdropped tokens will have also been rolled using those same odds!

Boat Upgrades have the possibility to dramatically change how boats are driven on Lake Minnow. There will be more details to come on the different types of races we plan to release, but keep in mind when fishing for upgrades that speed isn’t everything!




NFT fishing game with a prolonged release, tiered-minting, rewards for holders & a passion to clean up our waterways. Join us now-The early worm gets the fish!